We get our pork from suppliers from Indiana and Michigan!
As soon as the meat is received at Bob’s, we cut everything, vacuum seal it and freeze it. This ensures that everything is the BEST quality you can possibly get.
Incidentally, NONE of the products at Bob's are saline injected, unlike the big box stores. Meat from them, have a 8-20% saline solution added to their meat. So, at Bob's, when you pay per pound, you are not paying for saline solution you are paying for MEAT. Additionally, since our meats are vacuum sealed and not on Styrofoam trays sitting in it's own blood, it you’re not paying for all that extra packaging either.
As a result, we actually are LESS EXPENSIVE and BETTER QUALITY MEATS then at the big box stores!
We keep boneless pork loins on hand to make you fresh cut, butterfly chops (a boneless pork chop) and Americas cut chops (a thicker cut, boneless chop). We can also prepare a boneless pork loin roast for you either with our without our special seasonings.